Our company is still in its infancy. However, they are shoes for the times. We incorporate the technical possibilities of the time, such as ChatGPT or similar, but we also want to keep up with the times or be ahead of the times when it comes to forms of collaboration.

There may be something of a gold-rush atmosphere in the business of placing workers and trainees.

We believe that it is possible to provide a very large number of people with a lucrative income: for us as employees, for our partners, the language schools and intermediaries and, of course, for the people who place them.

It's fun to work with people who are ready for adventure. However, we are not prepared to use “quicksilver”, to use the analogy of gold digging.

We are just at the beginning of the “problems” due to the population pyramids in Europe. The market should be huge and we don't think we should become an Amazon or Google.

One niche should be enough for us.

Nevertheless, we don't want to work the way it is done in many countries in this industry, we don't want to kiss the feet of every willing backer. By funders we mean parents who invest a fortune in the placement of their children, we mean brokers who offer great commissions and also investors who want to participate in the business model.

We want to work individually, but not so individually that we have to “educate” our partners and customers. It makes no sense to support dreaming. The dreams of parents and children are very often not realistic. If we allow ourselves to support such dreams, such bubbles, then there will be trouble.

It seems to the customers and partners from the countries of origin as if the trouble is starting in Europe, in Germany - because the people placed have to experience that some companies are annoyed.

It seems to the customers and partners from the countries of origin as if the trouble is starting in Europe, in Germany - because the people placed have to experience that some companies are annoyed.

A good relationship between employers and employees is comparable to a good marriage.

Due to the high demand for workers, companies are more willing to live with the adversities that come with a lack of language skills. However, it is currently  not the case that “helpless” workers are taken because there is no other way.

It is also to be expected that the rapid development in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics will prevent the collapse of the economies in Europe due to a lack of labor.

We therefore plan holistically. We do not limit ourselves to placing workers, but rather we look at the workers and stay in contact, because the good ones among the many can become interesting again.

Of course, we have to compromise and can't employ every one of the good ones ourselves 😁, but we can stay in touch. Networking.

After all, we may be able to accompany these people again in a few years' time when the economies in their countries of origin are booming, because the many young people of today will then be earning money and spending money and German companies there will be looking for employees who can communicate in German. Communicating in German is not limited to the German language. You can also communicate in English or any other language, but not every entrepreneur from Europe who wants to invest in the countries of origin can “communicate” in the way that is helpful there (taking regional customs into account).

Every country has a right to be understood.

As a German company, we want to be “understood” just as much as our partners may demand it. The “uprooted” can probably walk this tightrope and thus help.

So what can we offer as a German company:

we ensure that German laws and regulations are used on the German side for the benefit of all partners. It is almost impossible to be trapped with “criminals” in Germany. It is also almost impossible for domestic violence to occur within a marriage - yet it does happen. It is important when you move into an adventure that you can “escape for a short time” and that you open your mouth.

It's boring in Germany, everything is organized by laws and rules. If you accept this and integrate it into your own structures, you can organize paths that you can take again and again with relatively little effort.

We therefore do not want to and cannot work with people who simply run off. We do not want to and cannot continuously resettle people who do not really want to do this themselves, who are not suitable for this adventure.

What does this mean for language schools and agents?

Please pass this information on. Please check that your customers have understood this and please do not bring us a single child whose parents are paying extra for this child to be taken.

Also, never try to offer us something extra so that we will take this child.

Every company, every family endures minor corrupt decisions, but as a strategy this leads to trouble.

We are launching a modern airship that wants to take to the air. It is a risk to get on board, but it is foolish to ascend without caution.