"Then you can Support Find. We help you in acquiring the necessary skills and accompany you through to the online application interview and hand you over into caring hands."

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This text is intended for job seekers who do not want to or cannot take the usual route via a language school or intermediary. Only a small proportion of migrant workers are suitable for this route. Not having money for intermediaries is not a good enough reason to take the individual route. The economic situation in your country will almost certainly improve quickly. Do not embark on an adventure that is too big for you.

The following opinions are opinions - I am writing this text especially for our own employees so that they do not start promising anyone heaven on earth.

Every day, we see refugees who had real existential hardship in their home countries and yet, after many years in Germany or Europe, are thinking about returning to war zones. In the beginning, there is great hope that they will not only be safe here, but that they can also easily become wealthy and support their families back home. That works a little at first, but not for long, then all that remains is security and the poor are those who have little money in relation to the people around them. That's hard to understand when you earn 200 euros in your home country and receive a net minimum wage of 1200 euros here.

We experience and hear about fates in which a lot of money was invested in the home country so that a family member could come to Germany. In many cases, what is expected does not happen.

But don't be discouraged - Take your time and try to understand why and for whom we can be the right partner.

.You are sure that you want to go to Germany or Europe. The decision has been made

Then you can find support from us.We will help you acquire the necessary skills and accompany you through to the online application interview, leaving you in caring hands.

With us, the “high” costs only arise when you actually work and earn money.

We are the right partner for you if you are fit, hard-working and courageous.We work like a “secretary”. You tell us your wishes and we try to implement them with you. There is not always a suitable offer for you - as you have been told by the advertising of the German government and some institutions or companies in your country of origin.

We can't do magic and we don't promise to make your wishes come true.
Even German students or pupils have to come to terms with a variety of situations.

If you want to become a medical assistant in Hamburg, you can only achieve this if

  • there is such a job offer
  • if the company is willing to employ someone who has your skills.

However, we believe that it is more important, especially when it comes to training, that you

  • learns to live in Germany
  • learns German better

Today's training concepts will soon no longer meet the demands that will be placed on employees in the future.

So we recommend:

  • look for a job, an apprenticeship where people talk a lot
  • perhaps it is better to choose a job where the requirements are low to begin with.
  • To us, being an educator seems very suitable for both male and female people, because you learn for life - if you can basically conform to the Western way of thinking.

You will probably live for more than 80 years. You won't retire at 66. Your job description will probably no longer exist when you retire.

But that doesn't have to scare you, it should fill you with joy. If your future scares you, then stay in your home country with your relatives. The economic growth rates in the currently poorer countries will certainly be much higher than in Germany.

But that doesn't have to scare you, it should fill you with joy. If your future scares you, then stay in your home country with your relatives. The economic growth rates in the currently poorer countries will certainly be much higher than in Germany.

Don't get involved in concepts where you are told that you are going abroad and securing the life of your family that stays behind.

Just leave it alone.

If you come here, you are building a new family tree. You are the beginning of your family. You are lonely.

It takes three generations for the descendants living here to really arrive.

The price you will pay is high.

We believe that in most cases, staying at home will not lead to poverty.

Germany is not as warm-hearted, but also not as impulsive and loud as perhaps your home country. You are hardly ever hugged, there is less laughter and hardly any crying or suffering together.

But in return you live in a safe environment. If you get used to “administration”, you may end up with lazy officials, but you can expect to be treated fairly without bribes or false friends.

If you are unfortunate enough to be placed with an “unfavorable” company, it is really possible to get your rights here.

The rule of law works.

So if someone tells you that something has gone “wrong” with someone you know, find out where things went wrong:

Are they promises that could never be kept?
Are they really entrepreneurs who take advantage of their employees?

Or perhaps the employers are also disappointed because the foreign employee keeps doing the wrong thing due to poor language skills despite his high level of commitment? He does his job with great commitment, stays an extra long time and then - it turns out that he should be doing something else?

If your boss keeps hearing from you that you have understood him, if you have said “yes” three times because you understand something - but what was not said - then everyone involved will be unhappy.

If you are suitable, you will be treated well.

But if an employee is more trouble than working alone, then it makes sense for both sides to end the contractual relationship.

We therefore set different priorities than is usual. We work with you and the companies to ensure that communication works. You learn how to learn. You learn that you can get much further with a lot of commitment and communication than with hard work and certificates. You learn that it is important to want and that “wanting” is not the same as really wanting.

You are safe in Germany - you don't need to be afraid. Take advantage of the security and make your life adventurous and fun.

Germany and German companies need employees - so you can be confident that you will succeed if you take the right path.

If you learn how to learn, then learning German well is possible and so is any additional knowledge. A willingness to learn is what you should keep until the day you die. If you stop enjoying learning, if there is no more curiosity in you, then the pain will come to you.

We teach with teaching material in which knowledge of German is imparted, but the aim is not that you can recall this knowledge for an exam. You should only learn to listen and speak and this requires content.

In a second step, you might teach as an online teacher. As soon as you start teaching, you will begin to understand what it is all about. However, it is still not the goal for you to be able to recall this knowledge for an exam.

You can activate this knowledge at any time when you are dealing with the topic and teaching.

The situation is different with the teaching and learning material you need for your job. If you want to become a truck driver, you have to pass the practical and theoretical driving test, but you will learn a lot of what you really need later on while you are working.

We already have teaching materials for the nursing profession, we will possibly expand this and we will probably also develop our own materials for educators and other professions.