Quick results
for job seekers, for employers, for intermediaries.
Help for job seekers
Help with finding vacancies
Foreign applicants are urgently needed. However, they do not know where the jobs are advertised and how they should apply.
Large and “progressive” companies have their own job portals and force applicants to accept “their terms”. This reduces the workload in the HR department 😂.
But it should be obvious that the (foreign) employee should be made comfortable so that he or she can fluidly determine whether he or she is wanted.
Afterwards - for the sake of order - you could agree to carry out the procedure.
Envío de correo para escuelas de idiomas e intermediarios o solicitantes de empleo
Para las solicitudes escritas en papel, existen carpetas ya preparadas en las papelerías que facilitan la vida a los solicitantes. También existen etiquetas de direcciones y programas informáticos adecuados.
Presentar una solicitud desde el extranjero sólo tiene sentido digitalmente. Disponemos de plantillas de correo y también organizamos el envío.
Support in evaluating the companies' responses
The job departments are overloaded - there is a lack of staff there too - so standard emails are sent back without really having read the application.
- We have forwarded your application to .....
- please use our job portal ...
- This year we have ...
Online language courses
According to the law and out of desperation, there are already possibilities with A1 to be allowed to work in Germany.
After seven years, almost 50% of asylum seekers are without a job - There are many reasons for this. However, language should not become the cause of personal and professional problems for migrant workers.