2 work processes

Student management

Workflow student acceptance

( minimal manual work: student name, agent, create folder )


Wir nehmen nur Agenten an, die uns sofort Ihre komplette Adresse zur Verfügung stellen.

Das Büro (em Thao) nimmt nur Bewerbungs-PDFs an, die als Unterschrift einen Text in dieser Form haben:

Agent: NameDesAgenten  Student: NameDesStudenten

Die Namen sowohl der Studenten als auch der Agenten werden ohne Komma geliefert. Nachname Vorname1 Vorname2 Vorname3

Zukünftig gibt es ein Formular über das sich die Agenten eintragen.


Wir erhalten von unseren Partnern in Vietnam  in der Regel eine PDF-Datei, die eine komplette Bewerbung darstellt. 

Arbeitsablauf Opportunity
WhatsApp wird aufgerufen, Pdf wird gesucht. Untertitel wird komplett kopiert.
Es wird eine neue Opportunity angelegt. Der Agent oder die Schule wird ausgewählt.

Die Zwischenablage wird in den Namen eingetragen. Der Agent heraus gelöscht.
Die erwartete Einnahme wird eingetragen. -> gespeichert und geöffnet

Nun wird der Button "Create Folder" geklickt.
Dann wird die PDF in den Ordner "Agents/Agent/Student/Application" gespeichert. Das ist auf GDrive. Der Link zur Datei wird kopiert und in die Opportunity gespeichert.

Der Butten "Extract PDF" wird gedrückt. <-- Ende


Wir erhalten diese Datei über Umwege in WhatsApp. Weil unsere Agenten-Mitarbeiter mit dem Handy arbeiten. Dieser Agent speichert dann die PDF auf dem GDrive-Server.

Der Text wird automatisch extrahiert und ChatGpt liest dann später die meisten Daten aus, die wir benötigen, um die Schüler anzulegen (E-Mail, Standort, Telefon usw.).

Each of our partners ( schools or agents ) in Vietnam is represented in the file system by a folder on the server in which folders exist for each student. There are two subfolders in the student folders, one is the application ( Application ) and other documents of the student, the other the documents that later belong to the employment contract.

Our employees ( in the future also the agents themselves ) set one for each student and for each employer in the CRM module Opportunity at. The name of the opportunity is the name of the student, the customer is the agent ( the school ). The student name ( Opportunity-Name ) and Customer ( Agent ) now makes it clear where a new folder and subfolder are to be created automatically using the Smart Button in the file system. Unfortunately there are many identical names, in the presence of an identical folder ( automatically ) a consecutive number is appended.

Via Google Drive, every agent or our employees has access to their agent folder and their students' folders. The application PDF is now manually in the folder "Application Extract" gelegt. Odoo hat Zugriff auf GDrive.  (https://chatgpt.com/share/800f8b37-457a-4785-93cd-d9973e805301).

Both files are now placed manually in the student folder. Now the link to the folder in GDrive is copied manually and entered in the appropriate custom field ( x_GDrivePath ) at the opportunity.

It is clear from the agent and the student folder where the application pdf and the extracted text are. An action is now started by leaving the field or using the SmartButton. This text file is made available to ChatGPT, which is now to extract the basic data address, email, age, photo machine-readable and save it in the field x_textract. Another action extracts the individual data such as email, age ... and integrates them into the opportunity. There are various custom fields in CRM.

  • x_GDrivePath with widget url or reference
  • x_GDrive_PDF with widget url or reference About these two fields you can manually switch to the GDrive folder and view files or improve ChatGPT.

for ChatGPT:

  • x_textrakt. We save the complete text extract for quick inspection.
  • x_gptdaten. The complete data that ChatGPT should extract machine-readable is stored here. And from here the fields in CRM are filled.

In the opportunity now ephemeral data saved like appointments for job interviews, whether all documents are available etc.

However, data is also created that we keep for later. Currently, this data should be from CRM in "Contacts" and in "Products" can be copied. I am open to better suggestions.

Students should be treated like products for two reasons - even if this is not nice.

  1.  we create invoices to the partners.
  2. https://www.lebenlernen.jetzt/shop

The shop is currently not needed because the mediation is quick and almost 1: 1. The shop should also not be publicly visible.

In CRM, we now push the students into different stages - depending on whether you have your proof of language, your visa, interviews, etc.

When the employment contract comes up, the accounting department takes over

( - > translate the folder names "Application ( Application )" and "Contracts ( Contracts )" into English ( small script )

- > uniform name system: last name, first name )

We have two software construction sites and software treasures. One is Odoo, with whom we do the administration, the other is developments, that I do and have without Python and Odoo - I don't have to stay that way 😂 - I've learned Python before, but forgot everything again due to lack of use - and it seems to me, that some things are very special with Odoo.

Thomas Seewald July 2, 2024