Upworker english

Hello, first of all I would like to apologize - for being a bit "weird". It is certainly strange to be in a larger meeting now.

I suspect there are two developers here that I found through Upwork. (Mark, Egypt and Dante, Nigeria)

Also, here is probably Kalkivi Kunt, who is the reason why I am now working with Upworkers. A few weeks ago, I was at a loss. The internet and ChatGPT couldn't help me. I thought about asking on some forums - but I decided I wanted a quick answer and to pay for it. I had previously worked alone as a developer and controlled Odoo via RPC. This suddenly stopped working in version 17. I posted a job, a few people got in touch, but most of them were no better informed than I was.

Kalkivi Kunt, however, gave me the right tip, including Postman examples. Once again, he has the chance to solve the "https nginx" job because he reacted quickly.

This good experience motivated me, I asked him if he wanted to work for me permanently. However, he is expensive - he also wanted to remain independent.

So I started looking for more upworkers. I started with upworkers who wanted around 20 euros an hour. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to produce anything meaningful.

But that could be down to me. Maybe I don't speak English well enough, maybe the others don't speak English well either.

Maybe my way of thinking is also unusual. But because I don't think like the others, I can do projects that have no competitors.

After a few thousand euros at Upwork without success, I decided that I would take cheaper developers and "practice" with them. Practice understanding myself.

However, of the 4 I started with, only 2 are currently left. One now wants to win the Chess Olympiad, the other admitted that he studies all day, then wants to work and ultimately wants to go into research.

I want people to really think for themselves when they are in our team.

That works best if you don't have a second job.

Now I would like to briefly show you a file in which over 50,000 websites of Odoo users are listed. Many of them will be outdated, many may only be test projects, but there will be many left that could be potential customers for an Odoo company.

I actually want to hire a developer to replace our chess player. But after talking about what we currently do and how I want to pay, I also want to offer the chance to talk about a joint company.

I think a smaller developer company could be financed by the parent company, but there would also be opportunities to work as an Odoo service provider and also place IT professionals in jobs in Germany.

For example, we are constantly looking for Odoo developers, determine their qualifications in joint projects - keep the best - and place the good ones - the bad ones go their own way.

Thomas Seewald 7. August 2024